?> In Consideration of Corner Fireplace Mantels | Fireplace Designs

Corner Fireplace Mantels for You

Corner Fireplace Mantel Kits

Corner fireplace mantels are suggested in response to appropriate hearth demands. There are people who prefer such option, which is considered as space-saving,to traditional ones just because a flat-front style hearthdoes not satisfy their needs.

When you live in a small house or flat, your free space is limited. That is why your wish to add some charm of burning wood or gas to your dwelling can face certain difficulties. One of possible solutions for such dilemma is to locate a hearth in one of your vacant corners, where you can feel yourself the most comfortably.

Custom Corner Fireplace Mantels

In other hand, even if you have a large room, you can divide it into different areas, and locate source of the heatsomewhere you see as a favorable place for speaking and relaxing. In the case you strive for something more, thoroughly selected corner fireplace mantels and surrounds can turn the space into accent of the whole interior.

A classichearthtends to occupy sizable parts of both floor and wall areas. So, it is worth to think aboutunimpeded traffic through the floorspace. Be aware that 36 inches are minimally required distance between an open fire and unprotected flammable wall or furniture. Corner gas fireplace mantels were designed especially to protect a wall against combustion. Such locationis popularbecause of its compressed size, which opens new field of unexpected and original design solutions even for such places asbathroom and kitchen. For example, focal point status of corner fireplace can be achieved by adding a decorative illuminated mantle with artwork, or TV-screen above the hearth.

To sum up, corner fireplace mantels ideassuit for no stereotyped design which takes into account convenience, space-economy and originality.

Corner Fireplace Mantels Pictures

10 Photos of the Corner Fireplace Mantels for You

Corner Fireplace Mantels WoodCorner Fireplace Mantels and SurroundsCorner Fireplace Mantels GasWhite Corner Fireplace MantelsCorner Fireplace Mantels PicturesCustom Corner Fireplace MantelsCorner Fireplace Mantel with TV AboveCorner Fireplace Mantels IdeasCorner Fireplace Mantel KitsCorner Fireplace Mantels Plans

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