As you can see, there are a lot of DIY faux fireplace ideas. Don’t forget, that the choice of the material is connected with the style of the future handicraft. A rustic design will be well underlined by wood or shabby bricks. Make a mantel of gypsum plasterboard, paint it white and you’ll get a short-spoken style. By the way, a faux hearth can be painted with a color which will harmonize with wallpapers or will contrast with them. DIY faux stone fireplace is a little bit difficult to build, but adds charm and warmth to your home. Everything depends on your imagination and ability.
Here is essential tip on fireplace design. We have the cool sources for fireplace design. Check it out for yourself! You can gather DIY Faux Stone Fireplace guide and see the latest DIY Faux Fireplace Its Pros and Cons in here.
Portable gas fireplace is good as both indoor and outdoor source of heat. Except of its stylish and cozy look it has a range of practical advantages, which are considered below step by step. The first plus is mobility. You can estimate the ability to move such piece of furniture […]
Modern fireplace surrounds, first of all, tend to add cosy atmosphere and certain style to interior. Originally open fire in a human dwelling used to serve mainly for pragmatic purpose to cook food and to keep comfortable temperature for living. But time had deepened the meaning of “comfortability” with regard […]
The brick fireplace paint and makeover ideas that can be done with your own hands are quite simple. There are some strategies of renewing the design of your chimney place with small expenses and a great result. You will be quite surprised what can be done with so little effort. […]