Among the most popular decorating things or materials are granite, marble, stone. Of course, some people can make this fireplace surround with the help of some antique things or details. Sometimes they are not in use and can perfectly suit for the way of adorning your mantelpiece. Or it is an opportunity to tile the details or the pieces of stone and paint them in white color. As a result you will be the owner of white stone mantelpiece.
Here is foremost advice on fireplace decor. We have the prime resources for fireplace decor. Check it out for yourself! You can get Fireplace Tile Surround Kits guide and read the latest Not Only Creative Fireplace Tile Surround in here.
Modern fireplace surrounds, first of all, tend to add cosy atmosphere and certain style to interior. Originally open fire in a human dwelling used to serve mainly for pragmatic purpose to cook food and to keep comfortable temperature for living. But time had deepened the meaning of “comfortability” with regard […]
If you made up your mind to do the painting brick fireplace, you should remember that it is not difficult to do but the maintenance of a fire spot will require you to paint the place again once in a few year to preserve pleasant colours and nice looks. The […]
Stack stone fireplace is a kind of the design among fireplaces that become very fashion during the last time. By the way, techniques of stone construction have been used since at least 4,000 B.C. for many centuries in ancient countries. It was extremely popular to tile mantelpieces and created a […]