?> How to Make a River Rock Fireplace? | Fireplace Designs

Pros and Cons of River Rock Fireplace

River Rock Veneer Fireplace

Have you ever seen a river rock fireplace? Usually such projects are very labour-consuming, but ultimate purpose deserves it. Every sedimentary stone had been smoothed by mountain streams. Just imagine: each natural sample has unique character, colour and shape because ofits original mineral veins and grains. Besides, many modern manufactures produce broad variety of shapes, sizes andcolours of artificial stones. So, there are different possibilities to find a proper set.

How to decorate a fireplace by river stones?Start to create river rock fireplace surround from a draft in which you outline the mantle dimensions. Then, outline the dimension on the wall or chimney and the extension from the wall by using a painter’s tape. Next stage is creating a base from the cut metal laths, fitted inside the painter’s tape space.

River Rock Fireplace Pictures

The metal base enforces the mortar and extends the river rock fireplace surround’s exploitation time.  After the metal have nailed to the wall and the floor, it is the time to remove the tape. Afterwards prepare the mortar mix according to the instruction. Begin from a bottom corner of the outline. Choose your first rock, apply mortar to it and fit it in place. On the phase other stone, positioned in the same way at the opposite corner, provides you with a reference point and helps you to define the line for the laying stones to have them meet later.

Apply mortar to each rock and place them layer upon layer from the bottom along the wall. Always start at one of the corners and try to move horizontally. When you have completed, remove any excessive mortar and wait 48 hours. Enjoy the effect. It is especially beautiful for rustic style décor whether it is river rock electric fireplace or any others.

River Rock Fireplace Surround

10 Photos of the Pros and Cons of River Rock Fireplace

River Rock Fireplace DesignsHow to Build a River Rock FireplaceFaux River Rock FireplaceDIY River Rock FireplaceRiver Rock Fireplace SurroundRiver Rock Veneer FireplaceRiver Rock Electric FireplaceRiver Rock Fireplace PicturesRiver Rock Stone FireplaceRiver Rock Gas Fireplace

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